
The Treasure Of Lemon Brown Courage Quotes

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Giulia Pisciarelli

Period: 3


Nelson Mandela once said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Through the exploration of this unit, many characters have shown courage. More specifically, Greg in the story "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" written by Walter Dean Myers, Junot in "The Terror" By Junot Díaz, and Malala Yousafzai best exemplify the quote by Nelson Mandela.

Greg from "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers relates to Nelson Mandela's quote because he shows the courage to triumph his fears."The Treasure of Lemon Brown" is about a man name Lemon Brown who lives in an abandoned building,and is said to have a great treasure, and a boy named Greg who …show more content…

While hiding from his problems he finds himself in the abandoned building with Lemon Brown. As they talk, a group of bad men arrive to steal Lemon's treasure, when Greg sees that they are about to catch Lemon Brown, " Greg felt himself near panic. The steps came closer, and still Lemon Brown didn’t move. He was an eerie sight, a bundle of rags standing at the top of the stairs, his shadow on the wall looming over him. Maybe, the thought came to Greg, the scene could be even eerier. Greg wet his lips, put his hands to his mouth and tried to make a sound. Nothing came out. He swallowed hard, wet his lips once more and howled as evenly as he could. “What’s that?”"(71-73 Dean Myers) we can see just how scared Greg is, yet he decides to be courageous and overcome his fear to help lemon brown. This relates to Nelson Mandela's quote because he says that a brave man is afraid but is courageous enough to overcome his fear which is exactly what Greg had to do to save Lemon Brown. After saving the

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