The True Identity In The Gilead's Tale

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The researcher uses concordance function which is qualitative function. The name of narrator is “Offred” , one can notice that the republic of Gilead give this name to the protagonist and her real name is never mentioned throughout the novel trying to make her forget her real identity. people have had to sell theirs. My name isn 't Offred , I have another name, which nobody uses secret name and all ways back. My name is Offred now, and here is where I live. Live in knowing I 'll be ignored. But not this time. " Offred ," she says. I pause, uncertain. "Yes, you
I try not to show surprise. "You must be Offred ," she says. I say yes, and we begin our the Rachel and Leah Re-education Center. " Offred gives no clue, since, like Ofglen" and accused of harboring, this could have been " Offred herself, as her flight would have placed existence of the tapes, must have helped " Offred to escape. The way in which he was able as he well knew, as a member of the Eyes, Offred herself was certain to be interrogated.
Fig. 1 presents that the novel’s protagonist is given another name when she cannot escape and the police arrest her. The Gilead’s regime makes sure to deprive women from their names which represent their identity. Women ,in the republic of Gilead , is subjected to a process called re-identification. They force Handmaids to forget and to give up their names. The process consists of the preposition (of) and the first commander’s name that handmaids will move to