The True Meaning Of Life In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Hamlet’s believes that all humans mortal, none can live forever, and when we die we are all made equal. In regards to mortality, Hamlet says, “This fellow might be in his time a great buyer of land… his lands will scarcely lie in this box and must the inheritor himself have no more” (5.1.99-114). In this quotation, Hamlet is saying that no matter who you are, if you’re wealthy or poor, either way you’ll end up in the grave. Because of human mortality, all will die, and all will be equal –having nothing- in the grave.
In regards to the meaning of life, Hamlet’s meaning for life is to seek justice. The whole play of Hamlet is centered around Hamlet’s quest for revenge against Claudius. In Hamlet’s famous “to be, or not to be” soliloquy, his