The True Meaning Of Remembrance Day

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The true meaning of Remembrance day

Most people think Remembrance day is is just a celebration that we celebrate in the eleventh month on the eleventh day in the eleventh hour. And that it is a day we have assemblies in our schools and carry poppies with us, but boy are they wrong. Remembrance day means a lot more than that.
Remembrance day is truly a day we take out some of our time and appreciate the thousands of soldiers that sacrificed their lives so we could be who we are today.This soldiers risked all they had so we will be able to call our country a free land.

On this day most schools have 1-5min of silence.During this moment we are not expected to be thinking about what we will be doing after school or be waiting until the bell finally rings so we could head out for recess. …show more content…

You know what,this soldiers suffered a lot for us and they did not have to. They could have just decided to live in their peaceful little homes looking out for one another.These soldiers shed tears and blood, they were all wrecked and none of them enjoyed what they were doing but they knew it will be for our benefits

Look what they did for us,don’t you think they deserve something.They deserve honour,they deserve to be appreciated,they deserve to be remembered.
Well dear fellow readers this is really what Remembrance day

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