The Underground Railroad Research Paper

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During the 1500s until 1865 the 3 most defining moments in African American History were Slavery, The Underground Railroad, and The Civil Rights. I chose these 3 events because they played a very important role in the United States. Slavery was important because, it provided labor power to settle in the economy and development of the modern world. The Underground is very unique to me because, it is like a secret hideout for slaves. It allowed them to escape safer and faster than a normal escape. When the Civil War started that’s when things started getting worse, but it also helped out a lot for the United States. Slavery was one of the darkest periods in human history. Slavery was going on in the early 1600’s. Africans were brought to the …show more content…

The Underground Railroad wasn’t underground or a railroad, but because it was carried in a secret of darkness it got its name and they used the term railway by those involved with the system to describe how it would work. It was used to describe a network of people who helped slaves escape. Those who were most active assisted slaves to escape by the railroad were free black community. Most active railroad workers were the Northern free black who had no or little support from the whites Conductors moved fugitives from one station to another. Harriet Tubman, which is why I chose to do The Underground Railroad was a famous conductor she made 19 returns to the south and helped 300 slaves escape. She would use her shotgun to threaten anymore who tried to turn back. The slaves would make a getaway at night that was the only time they could and they would use the phrase, “Keep your eye on the North star “, as their watchword. By saying that they knew were headed south. If anyone in the north had gotten caught helping fugitives escape they would be fined money and had to do time. Quakers which were Christians in great simplicity in daily life and in worship gained currency in 1830 as northern abolitionists became more vocal and the southern suspicions of threats to their peculiar institution …show more content…

The Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865. This war resolved two unanswered questions in the United States. The American Civil War was the largest war between Napoleonic in 1815 and World War 1 in 1914. The Civil War started because of the differences between slaves and the free. By the end of 1861 a million armed men confronted each other from Virginia to Missouri. The real battle began in 1862. By 1864 the original Northern goal was to destroy the old South and basic institution of slavery and give restored union a, “New Birth of Slavery”. President Lincoln was the first republican president during this time in 1860 pledging to keep slavery out of territories 7 states in the south, and the confederate state. Lincoln issued a preliminary emancipation proclamation and slavery became free in all states. The 13th Amendment was officially abolished slavery which meant there should be no more slavery going on in any state. Slaves finally got the right of equal protection leading to the 14th Amendment and the right to vote in the 15th Amendment, but the constitution was violated and it was hard for old slaves to get their way. The Jim Crows laws that enforced racial segregation in the South. The policy was to keep black and white Americans separate from one another. African Americans couldn’t use the same restrooms, water foundations, at restaurants they had to sit in the