The Usage Of Communication During The English Civil War

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Communication is explained to be the exchanging of information or news between people or places. Communication has evolved a vast amount since the beginning of prehistoric times to now. The idea of human communication was developed approximately 500,000 years ago, and since then, different inventions have increased the usage of communication as well as the type of communication that is used throughout everyone. The oldest known form of communication are carved paintings, which was used to create the very first calendar. Next, came the advancement of petroglyphs; carvings into a rock surface which was dated to be around 10,000 BC. A pictograph was established after, symbols that represented a concept or object that was then transferred to drawing. Forms of writing and the idea of an alphabet was advanced around 3000-2000 BC. After the making of the alphabet, this sparked more ideas of ways for communicating with others, which leads us to the early times during the 1600s in early modern Britain. The concept of communication has evolved from the time of the 1600s during the English Civil War and until now. Various changes were made throughout time to better the usage of communication that led us to the technology and communication that is used in today’s world. Before the rise of technology, …show more content…

From Scotland invading England in 1639-1640, this started a rebellion by Catholic Ireland in 1641 (English Civil Wars). According to the article, English Civil Wars, “In September 1649, Oliver Cromwell massacred the combined force of Irish Confederates and Royalists at Drogheda and the following month, captured the Confederate fleet in Wexford.” This conquest of Ireland occurred all the way until April of 1652 due to the third English Civil War. Between all of the English Civil Wars, approximately 200,000 English people died from either the battle or war-related

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