The Vietnam War: The Forgotten War

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In the late 1940’s until the early 1990’s, there was a state of political and military tension after World War ll that caused a global conflict. It was known as the Cold War, fought between powers in the United States and their allies and powers in the Soviet Union; also known as Russia, and its allies. Along with this major history changing event, were many other events such as the Space Race, the Vietnam war, and the Korean War. The Korean War had become known as the “The Forgotten War” due to it being overshadowed by the more immediate memories of Vietnam, Desert Storm and the 15 anniversary commemorations of World War II.
In 1950, North Korea invades South, thus beginning the Korean War. Soon after, on June 28, 1950, North Korea drives …show more content…

A poll was conducted on July 28, 1950. It asked, “Do you think the United States is now actually in World War III, or do you think the fighting in Korea will stop short of another world war?” 53 percent of respondents believed that they were in World War III while 30 percent believed the fighting would stop short of another World War. The same poll was taken again on September 29, 1950. 40 percent of respondents believed they were in World War III, while 39 percent believed the fighting would stop soon. It was taken for a third time in November 1950. 50 percent believed they were in World War III and 30 percent believed the fighting would stop. Another poll was conducted in August 1950 asking, “Do you think the United States made a mistake in going into the war in Korea, or not?” 65 percent said it was not a mistake and 20 percent said it was. President Truman had good intentions when he attempted to limit information leaving the White House for fear of starting a war hysteria, but it ended up backfiring in many instances rather again. The public was more supportive of the war in the long term.
In conclusion, the Korean War was a bloody and disastrous event that had millions of people killed. The Americans did not seem to happy to have a war and the polls proved it, considering majority rule believed they were in World War