Theft Vs Identity Theft Essay

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There are differences in identity theft vs identity fraud, but they are so subtle that people will use the terms interchangeably. It often comes down to the way the information obtained is used. Having the right information regarding either crime is important to protecting yourself and your identity.

Identity Theft vs Identity Fraud

Identity Theft
Whether it's your credit card information, social security number, driver's license number or your mother's maiden name, that's identifying information that is used to commit identity theft. With this information, a thief can open a new credit card in your name without your knowledge. The thief can get a cell phone in your name too. There are other types of accounts that a thief can open when he …show more content…

This is usually refered to as account takeover. Identity theft is also called true name identity theft by law enforcement.

Identity Fraud
With this kind of crime, a thief will create a fake name and personal information. This kind of fraud doesn't include stealing information on a real person. It's purely a fictional name and identifying information. The thief will open lines of credit with merchants under the fake name, which leads to them committing identity fraud. The merchants are the victims of this crime.

When a person steals your information, that is considered identity theft but what they do with that data is considered the identity fraud. They're opening accounts with various stores, banks, utility companies or credit card companies in your name. You're the victim of identity theft as well as identity fraud.

Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft

Practice Safety on the Internet
When you receive emails asking for personal information, never respond to them. Most of the time, they are attempts to get your information. Only shop online when you're on a secure webpage. You can tell it's secure when the address is "https" at the top of the browser. Never send your credit card information through email to anyone. It's easy for thieves to gain access to