Thematic Analysis Sample

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I used the thematic analysis to identify those themes emerged from the six selected articles and showed in (table 7). Thematic analysis is a simple, flexible and widely-used qualitative data analysis method. It can help me to generalize and develop ideas via the detail ‪prospecting‬ of the analysis and synthesis of the literature (Noblit & Hare 1988; Paterson et al. 2001; Walsh & Downe 2005; Bondas & Hall 2007; Finlayson & Dixon 2008; Rice 2008). According to Braun and Clarke (2006) - six phase of thematic analysis, I familiarised with the data first, including transcribing data, reading and rereading the data, noting down initial ideas. Then, I went to generating initial codes, searched for themes, checked in the themes work in relation to the coded extracts and the entire data set and generated a thematic map of the analysis to review themes. I used the tree map to show the psychological responses of adult patients to treatment for AML (Diagram 1). Next, I defined and named themes and developed a comprehensive analysis of what the themes contribute to understanding the data. Finally, I produced the report. Theme Paper Attribution Perception Controllability Understanding of the disease Treatment experience Prognosis Coping Farsi et al. (2010)      Farsi et al. (2013)       …show more content…

Therefore, Hart (2005) suggested that it is very important to cite correctly all the sources that we use in our reviews of the literature. There are three basic criteria for citing references: clear, consistent and correct. Moreover, Steward (2004) pointed out that appraisal is a process of critiquing the evidence of others, not attacking their work or engaging in character attacking. A reviewer should be moderate in criticism. Hart (2005) indicated that it is a good ethical practice and a good starting point for acquiring good academic standards in ethical