
Thematic Analysis Of 'Where Are You?' By Joyce Carol Oates

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In the story WHERE ARE YOU GOING, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? By Joyce Carol Oates is an impeccable story. The story is so vivid and wildly written it takes you into a whole new world. When I first started reading this my whole mind when into a deep thought. I visualized myself there during every event that occurred. This is story is a definite easy read the imagery that is placed into this story is the best one yet. The theme of the story is what catches you and entitles you to continue reading. This story reminds me of how strong the power of temptation is. The level of intensity she gave the words made the words draw feelings to my soul. The temptation that went along in this book starting from being a disobedient child all the way to being one way at home another way in the streets then how it caught up with her and she couldn’t break away. …show more content…

Connie played with that spirit to such an extreme level. Connie wanted to be that girl that could do what she want and want to be free. Now her friends were no saint either they played with the same spirit, but I personally think that Connie went entirely too far with playing with it. Now growing up I always heard if you allow the devil to ride he will take over the wheel well that’s exactly what he did to Connie. Now don’t get me wrong part of it was on her parents, because her mother never stood her ground as a mother would and her father just simply went to work and did what he wanted. The common thread with parents is train a child up in the way they should go. Well, Connie never had that training she just had to learn by her mistakes. Arnold friend the guy that just wants to be your friend. HA! What a

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