Theme Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

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What would you do if you lost everything in a instant? Many people think they are weak but if they actually try they are more capable than they think. That is what I think is the theme of the book Hatchet. In the novel “Hatchet By: Gary Paulsen” it tells how a young boy named Brian crashed in a plane and survived alone for 2 whole months. One day he was flying on a plane to go see his dad, because they got divorced. And out of nowhere the pilot suddenly gets a heart attack and Brian didn’t know what to do at the time. But then he finally realizes that he should take control of the plane before he crashes. After kinda maintaining the plane he does still crash in a lake but survives. And now he has to face any objects coming his way . He …show more content…

As it says in the book Hatchet Brian states “Going to die,Brian thought. Going to die, gonna die, gonna die-his whole brain screamed it in sudden silence. Gonna die.” I think that is apart of the theme because when Brian had crashed wouldn’t think that he could actually survive. But he had pushed all of his effort to try and find anything to help him out. And because he found most of what he needed to live off from, and he survived for a long time. Another reason is when Brian was really hungry and he had to look around the forest to see if there was any food around. And because he was hungry he began to become weak and tired. Until he came across a berry bush he had took a lot and ate it. But when he ate so much of the tyberries he had became sick. Still even though he got sick he wan’t giving up until he had found …show more content…

Brian quoted “ Yes, this was the third day and he had thought of the shelter as a home. …… Maybe it wasn’t much , but also maybe it was all he had for a home.” This was important because he had the power on making his shelter and loving the fact that at least he had somewhere to stay. He built the shelter by gathering some sticks and a couple of twigs and after a little while he had finally made his shelter. Brian had wanted a nice place to stay so he found a rocky little hill. He was capable of making his own shelter and gathering supplies for