Theme Of Loyalty In William Faulkner's Barn Burning

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In William Faulkner’s Barn Burning, Colonel Sartoris Snopes ("Sarty") creates his own individuality as he try’s to resolve battle between justice and his loyalty towards his father. Being raised in 1895 by a poor family, Sarty has to adapt and work under the circumstances at a very young age. The Snopes are a family of sharecroppers; they work on farmland owned by wealthy proprietors. The antagonist, Abner Snopes, develops his own justice system by setting barns on fire. By doing this it sets a boundary between Sarty and Abner furthermore, by doing this it gives Sarty a pick and choose senior between him and his father. Wither if Sarty should take his fathers side and be loyal to him or be truthful and tell the Justice of what his father has …show more content…

The use of diction, imagery and symbolism within the novel shows how great of a writer Faulkner was. William uses these literary elements to make his audience to understand what was happening during this time. Barn Burning supports Williams awareness of injustice and loyalty furthermore, it partakes the main focus of the story internal and external conflict within the protagonist.
Setting paragraph:

Themes paragraph: Society and class plays a major part in William Faulkner’s Barn Burning. By being poor tenant farmers Sarty and his family must contrast the difference between his family and all the privileged families they have worked for such as Major de Spain. The antagonist in the novel which is Sarty’s father, rebels against these wealthy families and burns down their barns as vengeance, by doing this Abner is pushing his family into impoverishment.

Within the novel Faulkner provided his audience with a certain structure of writing he creates depth of characters by using lengthy descriptions of them. Furthermore, the descriptions of the writing would follow an object to validate the character. (Introduction of Sarty or Abner