
Theme Of Racial Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To kill a mockingbird shows how much inequality impacted everyone during the 1900s. There was an unequal division that split many people for many different reasons. Racial and financial differences are some of the ones more relevant in this book. During this time the world was split by your skin color, financial statements, jobs, interest, and so much more. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird shows that inequality had a major impact during this time period because the racial inequality changed the children's view on others, divided the city of Maycomb, and it shows us how our world is dividing us by our image rather than who we truly are.

The racial inequality changed the children's views on others by the children learning to neglect …show more content…

Is it a sin to kill a mockingbird and just how small things like this are so irrelevant when they should be a way bigger deal but the people are just taking it for granted. “mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy… that’s why it’s in the killing mockingbird“ (Lee 88). This just shows us people were so blind sided and doing whatever they wanted. This lesson that was being taught on how a mockingbird has done nothing so why kill them it’s a sin. This is something that was majorly needed for the impact of inequality in the 1900s and still today. Another quote I feel like just shows how difficult it was to back up a black male in court during this time is.“ there are some in this world who are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father is one of them“ (Lee 219). This is a great representation of just how much there town was separated and how defending a black who was in the right, just how hard that was. Atticus even says he had to help him because he felt as though he couldn’t not help him. Which just shows us Atticus character and just how he knew that Tom wasn’t going to win but knew he was right and wanted to help

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