President Trump Pros And Cons

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The Presidency of Donald Trump has been a very hot and controversial topic recently, there are many critics that say he is a bad president and do not like what he is doing, but he has done what is best for our country to the best of his abilities. President Trump started his presidency without having any governmental experience at all, but had addressed many hot topics such as immigration and taxes, and devised very sound and convincing ways to solves these problems. Critics pick apart his tweets and speeches to make him seem like a terrible person and president when he is just proposing viable plans to solve ongoing problems. Under President Trump’s administration, there have been many changes and proposals that have raised immense controversy. …show more content…

International governments have both criticized and supported the president. They address his plans for such things as at least partially revoking DACA and his goal of building a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. The main controversies that surround President Trump are regarding his stance on Mexican illegal immigration, and what he wants to do to stop it. His goal of revoking DACA is a very drastic measure that has caused uproar among communities nationwide due to it potentially causing the deportation of thousands of people brought to the U.S. illegally. People are outraged that he wants to get rid of this deal, and believe that it is an outright offense against human rights. What these people do not realize is where President Trump is coming from when he makes these statements, he wants to improve the American economy and open up job opportunities to people living in the U.S. legally. He wants for a better life for those who pay taxes and live in America as …show more content…

The majority of the American people feel as though the president is trying to drive out Mexicans from the country, but that is simply not true. His goal is to remove people who are living in America illegally from the country because they are causing there to be less job opportunities for legal citizens, and don’t pay taxes which hurts the economy. Illegal immigrants cause an upset in the economic balance, they are paid by their employers without records or taxes also known as being paid “under the table.” This harms our economy because companies are paying less to illegal immigrants, causing them to make more profit without tax, and the illegal immigrants are being paid and not paying the government any taxes which causes an upset in the economy. The tweets President Trump has posted are agreeably controversial because they say things that can be considered offensive and make it easy to criticise his actions throughout his administration because these tweets can bring a bad reputation to him. His tweets, though often offensive and rude, convey his personal thoughts on current events around the world, which can occasionally be helpful to the public’s understanding of the situation or at least his stance upon and proposed action towards these events. DACA is a very common