
Donald Trump's Belief In A Just World Analysis

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7. Reflect upon the dangers of becoming too concerned about one’s self-presentation. Your own views supported by at least one additional source.
In our textbook, the author defines the term, self-handicapping, as: “protecting one’s self image with behaviors that create a handy excuse for later failure (Myers 2013).” An example of this is Donald Trump; in other words, he is a man who has high self-esteem, but his arrogance sets himself up for failures. Trump has highly publicized harsh critiques about the Mexican nationality, and the Muslim/Islamic faith. He speaks his mind, or says how he feels, but he does not know by self-handicapping himself, it leads him to fail as a presidential candidate. Trump is known to be self-absorption, centers …show more content…

This is an example of a person, currently in the news, who is concerned with his self-presentation.

8. What are the dangers of the belief in a just world? Find some examples of how this has resulted in harm (as in failure to aid) or victim-blaming? The dangers of Trump’s beliefs could cause people to have too much self-esteem, too self-absorbed, and think irrationally. For example, Trump believes all Muslims/Islamic faith individuals are violent. A woman, Rose Hamid, was ejected from Donald Trump’s rally. This goes to show to be too self-presented, or self-absorbed could cause others to become discriminatory towards others, especially towards those who are a part of the Muslim/Islamic faith. Trump is demonstrating failure to aid towards this group of people. Then Trump blames the Latino community, specifically Mexican individuals, us America’s problems. He states, “[Mexico] send[s] people that have lots of problems with [Americans]. [Mexicans] bringing crime. [Mexicans] rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Trump uses the individuals with Mexican background to blame for America’s problems, or

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