
Themes In Superman Smashes The Klan

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In stories, you find themes and lessons told throughout the narrative. It’s an aspect required to make a good story and the fundamentals of it. Themes can work in many mediums, including graphic novels! Themes are special, but you may have wanted to compare the two and how they are represented. Some of the examples I chose for this were Superman Smashes the Klan and Ms. Marvel: No Normal. Their characters portray separate but similar themes. One of the characters that show these themes are Tommy and Bruno. They are some of the supporting characters for these two books that help build the themes. And we’ll see which one supported its book better. Did Tommy or Bruno portray their themes better for their respective books and how were they able …show more content…

Tommy and the Lee family experience this hate in Metropolis, but despite all of that, he still is brave and chooses to make bonds with people, even with Chuck, someone who went against him at one point in this story. I’ll analyze the character of Tommy and how he represents the theme in SSTK. Throughout parts 1-2, Tommy and his family gets targeted for their race by the Klan and gets captured by them too. This kind of harassment would get into people's heads for a long time, and of course, it would, but Tommy, out of all odds, was quite unaffected from these attacks. Before the attacks, Tommy was playful and really didn’t worry about moving from Chinatown to Metropolis unlike her sister Roberta. He would also meet Jimmy and the Unity House, making bonds along the way. It would look like some of Tommy’s perception of people would change drastically because of these attacks, but it didn’t. It shows how optimistic and brave he really is. Another reason Tommy’s character influences has to do with Chuck. Chuck at first was aggressive with Tommy as he was new to the Unity House and was unwilling to accept him …show more content…

Marvel: No Normal follows the story of Kamala and how she deals with differences between the ordinary lives of those around her, and her own Islamic life and family. In her adventures and turmoil, she learns that being very different from others isn’t anything to be worried about in life. Bruno, one of her friends, cares for Kamala and looks out for her in the story. Like Tommy, Bruno inherits a part of this lesson in the story and supports it, and we’ll see how. From the start, we see him being different when Zoe invites Kamala and him to a party. We can see that he does not favor her, unlike Kamala who looks up to her. When she sneaks out and gets to the party, Josh gives seemingly gives her juice, but is vodka, and she is too young for that. Bruno then steps in to tell him and Zoe that what they did was wrong, showing us that he is responsible compared to Zoe, who Kamala wanted to be like at first. Bruno’s character also shines when he helps Kamala with saving his brother. When Kamala went back to her home after the party, she was grounded by her parents since they knew she wasn’t in her room, and the one that told her parents was Bruno. Kamala would avoid Bruno because of this but would try to reconcile with him later. After an accident in Circle Q involving the two, they team up to save Vick, which is different from what Kamala’s parents would do for her since they are over-protective of Kamala. It’s a nice change for Kamala since she has someone who can help her

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