Theodore The Pig Analysis

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One of the most common warnings told is, do not trust people on the Internet. One could say that buying Theodore off the internet was a terrible idea. Theodore the pig is the ugliest creature alive. Quite possibly so ugly that one would be frightened for their safety when entering upon him. It did not start out this way, during infantry Theodore was commonly referred to as “Theodorable.” It does not take long to explain how things took a turn for the worst. The piglet that was once nicknamed “Theodorable” is quite ironic, for how unsightly he became. Being careful on the internet is not an uncomprehensive rule. For a while it was hard to see the terrible mistake that had been made. Due to reality television shows, teacup pigs were trending. …show more content…

It was impossible to fit him in the crate he came in now. The instructions that were shipped with Theodore explained that was he was restricted to half a cup of food, twice a day. Although he ended up receiving more because he acted hungry all the time. Theodore seemed like the perfect pet, not only was he cute, he used his litter box exceptionally well. Throughout the day he would follow around the dogs and at night he would sleep inside the confines of his gate. After the first night, it was discovered that Theodore was a lot smarter than we had believed. Theodore had learned that he could lift his litter box with his round snout and drop it, making a noise comparable to one knocking on a door. Due to his exceptionally bright sense he knew that someone would arrive and check on him. This became a nightly routine and getting sleep at night was becoming increasingly difficult. Not only was sleeping hard, if Theodore’s litter box was not cleaned immediately after use, his corner of the house would stink like his cage was full of dirty diapers. When Theodore’s baby lotion scent was trading in for a more putrid one, Theodore was moved to the garage. It was a slippery slope from there …show more content…

Theodore was transitioned to the barn, where he had always belonged. When the snow dried up and frogs were emerging from pools of water, Theodore began to roam the outdoors. His diet not unlike a fashion model’s, had become an all-you-can-eat buffet. Theodore ate rocks, leaves, grass, dirt, anything that would fit in his mouth. With his routine feasting frenzy, his body grew in length. Perhaps it was the rocks that weighed his stomach down an inch above the ground. Deep grooves on his stomach formed in the pockets of his fat. When petting Theodore, one’s hand felt similar to the inside of a potato chip bag. His once buttery, pink skin had stretched and rubbed into a leather that pricked one’s fingers with coarse hair. Ultimately, the life of a free-range pig had changed Theodore. He remained the friendly pig he was, but showed signs of freedom. The hooves that were manicured and pink were overgrown and brittle. His perfectly round snout was embellished with tusks. Theodore now resembled his relative the warthog. Upon further inspection, it was determined that Theodore is actually a ‘pot-belly pig’ which is basically a shorter version of a regular pig. Due to how ugly Theodore truly is, “Theodorable” is quite fitting. One could learn from Theodore to be careful before making purchases off the internet. Unfortunately, it is not Theodore’s fault he is so ugly. Theodore truly