Theoretical Implications Of An Event-Sponsor Essay

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Theoretical Implications
The proposed model examines the influence of personal liking of the event, sports identification, perceived sincerity of the sponsor and the status of the event on event-sponsor fit and their linkages to attitude toward sponsor and purchase intention. Our findings support the theory that personal liking of the event, sports identification, perceived sincerity of the sponsor and the status of the event has a positive impact on event-sponsor fit and that fit impacts attitude toward sponsor, which has a positive influence on consumer purchase intentions.
The hypothesis suggest that the response to a sponsorship will be affected by the attitude consumer hold toward the sponsor, toward the event, and by their perception of an event-sponsor fit. The survey found that the response is positive when consumers perceive in that respect is a fit between sponsor and event …show more content…

The survey indicated that those consumer perceived events as a high status event, they were highly associated with the event and this would assist them to improve their image of the outcome and the presenter.
The result also support the hypotheses that event-sponsor fit impacts attitude toward the sponsor which has a positive influence on purchase intention (Marigal, 2001; Speed and Thompson, 2000; Gwinner and Bennett, 2008). It implies that those consumers perceive fit between event’s image and sponsoring brand exhibit a significantly more serious attitude toward the sponsoring brand than those who perceive less fit between the two attributes.
With regard to purchase intention, the study support the findings of (Speed and Thompson, 2000; Barone et al., 2000; Koo et al., 2006; Gwinner and Bennett, 2008) that perceived event-sponsor fit impacted one’s attitude toward sponsor which positively influence the purchase intention of consumers.


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