
Abraham Maslow's Theory Of Human Motivation

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Abraham Maslow, is traditionally associated with humanistic psychology, his work is mainly focused in the area of motivation, personality and human development. In 1943, Maslow proposed his "Theory of Human Motivation" which is rooted in the social sciences and was widely used in the field of clinical psychology; has become one of the leading theories in the field of motivation, business management and development and organizational behavior (Reid 2008).
The "Theory of Human Motivation", proposed a hierarchy of needs and factors that motivate people; this hierarchy is modeled by identifying five categories of needs and is built considering a hierarchical ascending order according to their importance to the survival and motivational skills. …show more content…

The first corresponds to the physiological needs they are of biological origin and are oriented towards the survival of the human being; are considered basic needs and include things like: eating, drinking water, sleeping, shelter, need to breathe, among others. The following are the security needs when physiological needs are satisfied in his great hand, a second level of needs-oriented personal safety, order, stability and protection arises. Among these requirements are things like employment, income, health, ensuring your assets, among others. When security and physiological needs are moderately satisfied, the next class of needs contains the love, affection and belonging to a certain social group, and are oriented to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation. In daily life, these needs can be handled when people shows desire to start a family, get married, be a part of some social group, belong to a church or just to socialize. When the first three classes of needs are moderately satisfied, the self- esteem needs arise; recognition for the individual, and respect for others; to meet these needs, people feel secure about themselves and valuable in a society; when these needs are not met, people feel inferior and …show more content…

I will mention the characteristics of the other three categories features. The first is the aesthetic needs which have a very special feature, are not universal due to cultural differences and the importance of the outer or inner beauty that is given in different places. The following are the cognitive needs, which are associated to the desire to learn and know that most people have. Curiosity and activities such as research were named as cognitive needs by Maslow. Finally there are the needs for self-transcendence that intend to promote a cause beyond ourselves, this may involve for example the service to other people or groups, devotion, religious faith, meaningful participation in science among others.
According Kołtko (2006), the rectified hierarchy of needs Maslow's version has several important implications for theory and research in personality and social psychology.
In addition to the pyramid of needs, Maslow handled some concepts that are clear to me throughout the learning that my career has given me. I will mention some of the basic concepts and their application in therapy.
• Deficit Motivation: motivation to overcome the feeling of deficiency or basic need. In therapy helps to direct the action and get the

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