Theories Of African Feminist Media Theory

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This study will draw from feminist media theory and African feminist media theory and it has also included the theory of intersectionality, these theories will be discussed below. Scholars of media and gender do not apply similar theoretical frameworks, there are options for applying various theories in various studies, although the medium of media being studied is the same. Previous scholars, Mannya (2010), Buiten (2009) and Katembo (2005) used various theories such as discourse theory, cultural studies theory, gender studies theory, media theory and construction theory in their studies. Feminist media theory will be the anchor theory in this study, a brief discussion of African feminist media theory as an approach to locate the study geographically will allow for a discussion of feminist media theory by African feminist scholars and in conclusion intersectionality will be applied to the discussion on the intersecting themes of race and gender that are pivotal in this study.

5.1 Feminist Media Theory
In defining media studies, South African scholar Buiten (2010:80) states that, “broadly speaking, feminist media studies can be said to be the study of the media through a feminist lens.” Buiten’s definition suggests that feminist media studies can only be viewed through a “feminist lens” thus implying that feminist theory is used to analyse and question the media. However media has been viewed through various lenses such as race and class by media discourse scholars such as