Theories Of International Politics And Zombies Chapter Summary

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Throughout the rather unusual book, “Theories of International Politics and Zombies”, written by prominent Tufts University Professor Dr. Daniel W. Drezner, the readers of this publication are given insight to the various possibilities of governmental responses (referring to the theories of international relations) to a zombie plague. According to Professor Drezner today, in age, the world faces several “natural sources of fear” (pg. 1) and these issues may range from acts of terrorism, deadly contagions, financial crisis, global cyberwarfare, etc. However, Dr. Drezner stresses the growing importance of the ridiculed issue of a zombie apocalypse, considering it an equally important matter, if not a more significant challenge which humanity will eventually face. He describes what sorts of measures modern governments would take to prevent said calamity. The author presents the question “What would different theories of international politics predict would happen if the dead began to rise from the grave and feast upon the living?” (pg. 1) Before approaching aforesaid question we must discover what constitutes a zombie? Chapter 3 “Defining a Zombie” says zombies are, “biologically definable, animated beings with the desire to eat human flesh” (pg. 21). Further into Chapter 3, the reader …show more content…

37). The reason that the grand scheme of things would be left unchanged would be that to realists an outbreak of the newly animated simply imitates “old plagues and disasters” being spread. Plagues like the fourteenth century Black Death, and the AIDs virus have affected world politics. These sorts of events merely pushed more powerful states to do what they do best, thrive in the midst of adversity. This encapsulates the whole concept of survival of the fittest, the Hobbesian model of thought for