Theories Of Persuasion Analysis

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This chapter is written by two authors, their names are Werner J.Severin and James W.Tankard. The chapter 's title is "Theories of Persuasion".The central idea of this chapter is to explain the attitude change and its stages, its importance to make us understand the relation between attitudes and behavior, knowing their techniques and their most important theories. The author is neutral; he is neither with nor against as his only purpose is to explain to us the meaning of the attitude change. This chapter claims the meanings of attitudes, beliefs and behavior, pointing out the concept, history, techniques, functions of an attitude, it also explains the inoculation theory and the relation between attitudes and behavior. Persuasion, …show more content…

They are: information-processing theory, elaboration likelihood model and heuristic-systematic model. The first theory is information- processing theory; it claims that the attitude change should have six steps that have to be followed. Any variable that is independent will have an effect on one of these steps it might be one in a positive and the other in a negative. This theory deals with the dependent variables the process of persuasion but they were split until they became 12. The information-processing theory gives an overview of the attitude change and reminds us to involve number of components. It also makes us remember that the attitude change is difficult and the successful attempts need to accomplish the effects of these previous steps. The second model is the heuristic-systematic model; it is classified into two types; the systematic processing and the heuristic processing. The systematic processing claims that the examination of a message has effort and carefulness and it can be affected by situational variables. The other heuristic processing is simpler as people use rules to create judgments. The last is called elaboration likelihood model. There are factors that make the receiver favorable or unfavorable towards a recommended position, first is the acceptance between both the receiver 's initial position and the recommended one. The second is the strength of a certain argument. There are three heuristics principles, credibility, liking and conscious. Credibility heuristic is to make people believe, the liking heuristic is to agree with the type of people they like and the last conscious heuristic to make people agree on certain