Theories Of Stereotyping

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Stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or

certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not be true, this

is only a fundamental psychological definition of a stereotype. Within psychology and

spanning across other disciplines, there are different theories of stereotyping that

provide their own specific definition. Some of these definitions have many common

ground, though each one may also harbor unique aspects that may contradict the

others. Stereotype content refers to the general attributes that people associate with a

group. Studies of stereotype content focus on what people think of others, and neglect

the reasons and mechanisms behind stereotyping.

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Warmth and competence are respectively predicted by lack

of competition and status. Groups that do not compete with the in-group for the same

resources (e.g., college space) are counted as warm, whereas high-status (e.g.,

economically or educationally successful) groups are counted as competent. The

groups within each of the four combinations of high and low levels of warmth and

competence evoke distinct emotions. This model of stereotypes tries to explain the

phenomenon that some out-groups are admired but disliked, whereas others are liked

but disrespected. This model was experimentally tested on a variety of national and

international samples and was found to reliably predict stereotype content.

Ethnocentrism is judging and comparing another culture solely by the values and

standards of one 's own culture. Ethnocentric individuals judge and compare other

groups or cultures with respect to their own ethnic group or culture, especially with

concern for language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and

subdivisions serve to define each ethnicity 's unique cultural identity. Ethnocentrism …show more content…

Consumer Ethnocentrism

Consumer ethnocentrism is a psychological concept that refers to individuals

who believe that their country 's products are superior with respect to the products

manufactured in other countries. This concept also helps in describing the mentality

of consumers in one country thinking that buying products in other countries is not

morally correct or not appropriate because doing so is unpatriotic. It is a common belief

amongst groups showing signs of consumer ethnocentrism that buying foreign made

products have one to one relation with not supporting the economy and the job market

of their own home country.

Businesses often study this concept in order to develop strategies and marketing

plans for entering new foreign markets. By understanding the mentality and