Theories Of Work Alienation

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Introduction Most of the employees' today experience, aggressiveness, lack of responsibility, lack of job satisfaction and job involvement. They also have poor interaction with their colleagues. A numbers of writers have considered alienation as an essential trait of human personality. They also considered that alienation is a pervasive quality of human life and that every individual suffers, at some point of their life due to this. Alienation is a sense of estrangement felt by employees, reflected in their lack of warmth towards the organization and in believing that their job/work is not meaningful to other aspects of their lives. Alienation is caused commonly by factors such as a lack of involvement in even basic decision making, lack of …show more content…

However, there is no adequate research done in understanding the relationship between them. Marx (1932) theory of work alienation was based upon his observation that, within the capitalist mode of production, workers invariably lose determination of their lives and destinies by being deprived of the right to conceive of themselves as the director of their actions, to determine the character of their actions, to define their relationship to other actors, and to use or own the value of what is produced by their actions. In the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844," Marx identifies four types of alienation in labor under …show more content…

Conceptual Framework Work alienation. Work alienation is defined as the estrangement or disconnect from work, the context or self (Nair and Vohra 2010). For Marx (1932) alienation was characteristics of those social relations under which the conditions of people's life and activity, that activity itself, and the relations between people, appear as a force which is alien and hostile to people. Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the amount of overall positive effect or feelings that the individuals have towards their jobs”. (D.C. Feldman and H.J. Arnold 1983). “Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you will experience job dissatisfaction”. (Andrew J. DuBrins 1988). Significance & Scope of the Present