Theory And Practice Of Terrorism

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Terrorism today in America is growing problem that will always need some sort of attention from law enforcement, both from the local level and the federal level. Terrorism has been growing rapidly since the 1990's with attacks happening in almost in a blink of an eye. What is exactly is terrorism? From the book "Police Operations: Theory and Practice" terrorism is stated as "The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." Also, what has law enforcement community done to help reduce the number of terrorist? With help of policy making from the federal government, the law enforcement community …show more content…

There are many different forms that terrorist use to push their beliefs and ideals to the people they scare. One of the methods used by terrorists is armed attacks, or in short, they carry on their attacks with guns. Armed attacks are the most used method in terrorists as is accounts for one-third of all attacks carried on by terrorists in 2010 (Police Operations: Theory and Practice P.328). An example of an armed attack is the 2002 beltway way sniper, where two men who were inspired by Al-Qaeda and took shots at people totaling in the death of ten people in the Washington D.C. area. Now even though armed shootings are the most used method of terror, bombings are what kill the most people in attacks. Given the name, bombings, it is a method in which the terrorists use bombs or any other type of explosive to kill anyone who does not believe in their beliefs or ideology. To go more in depth of bombings, there are the physical plantation of the bombs itself where the terrorist plants the bomb. Also, there is the method of suicide bombing, where the person themselves sacrifices themselves in hope of living a higher life in heaven. Another bombing method used is car bombings, where given in the name, a car is used to disguise the bomb to make it harder for law enforcement to detect the bomb. An example of the use of bombs is the 2013 Boston bombing. One last method terrorist use to push their message of Islam is kidnapping. Kidnapping is also a way most terrorists use to make money as they use their victims to for ransoms from the which the country they have nationality with. Now there is other ways terrorists use to attack their victims, these three are the most used methods. By knowing how terrorists spread their hate, law

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