There Should Be Done More About Teen Suicide In Schools

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Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents ages ten to twenty-four. More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined. Each year in our nation, there is an average of over five thousand and four hundred attempts by young people between the ages ten to eighteen, and according to Jason Foundation, “four of five teens who attempt suicide have has given clear warning signs” (JF Parent Resource Program). I believe schools should be talking more about teen suicide because it is preventable, treatable, and people need to be educated on the topic. Schools are a great start to making a change since the majority of …show more content…

According to the Jason Foundation, “females and the LGBTQ community have a higher risk of teen suicide”. For example, we can provide a workshop for students to orientate them and to show them how important they are to this society, as well as workshops for staff’s so they will be able to properly handle suicidal situations in schools. Suicide preventions should be incorporated into health classes as well so suicidal teens can see that their mental health is in danger. As a school community, we should provide students with the necessary resources to seek help and make sure these resources are accessible to everybody at all …show more content…

When having suicidal thoughts, it is very hard to control yourself. There are many causes why a person wants to commit suicide in which a major one is “Bullying”. There are many ways a person can be bullied such as, cyber, social, relational aggression, sexual, prejudicial, physical and verbal bullying; suicide can also be caused by depression, stress,etc. Everyone goes thru a stage where they can’t take the pressure and rather take the easy way out. Teens who are suicidal or experiencing suicidal thoughts would express warning signs such as, previous suicide attempts, verbalizing of the suicide threat, hurting themselves (cutting themselves), and the increased use of substances (such as pills or drugs or

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