Theseus And The Minotaur

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Minos was a horned demigod who was the son of Zeus and Europa. He had a naval power and an amazing educational system. Minos won the throne of Cretan with the help of Poseidon and
Knossos. While being king he was able to gain control of islands and marry Pasiphae. Minos had eight children,but including the minotaur they had nine. Minos has four children with Pasiphae, one with Helios, and the others with women affairs. Minos is best known for his part in the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. A Minotaur was known to be half­man, half­bull which was the child of Pasiphae. The minotaur was created by Poseidon making Minos’ wife fall in love with a bull that was sent by gods which created the minotaur. In the Myth it explains how Poseidon sent