Thesis And Pre-Drafting

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1. Lesson 2, Assignment: Topic, Thesis and Pre-Drafting Activity (50 points)

A: Your first essay for ENG101 will be a descriptive essay. A descriptive essay uses clear language to describe an object or a place of importance. Using one of the prompts listed in the Instruction section of the lesson (or developing your own), describe a potential subject for an essay (1-2 paragraphs).

I have been profoundly affected by my grandfather. He has had such a huge impact in my life because he was the “cowboy” in my life. My grandpa carried the western way of life into my life. He was a rancher and a framer, he also raised and trained race horses. He was the reason my mom purchased my sister and I our first horse. Because of him, I was able to be raised …show more content…

My grandpa has had such a significant impact on my life, nobody can compare to him when it comes to working hard, loving fully, and being a cowboy,

C: Free write:

When you think of that one person that has so profoundly affected your life in a positive way, who do you think of? For me, it is my grandpa. He is such a passionate and loving person. He treated my grandma with the utmost respect. He would open doors for her, take her out on dates, and call her his angel. He was very loving with animals. He was a farmer and his theory was to feed your animals before you feed yourself. He took great care of his horses and cattle. I remember when I was a little girl I was able to watch a lamb give birth in my grandpas barn. My grandpa was right there alongside the baby lamb the first time it took a step. Sometimes I think that my grandpas sanctuary was his barn and being with his animals. I believe he passed that on to me. He was also very quiet and did not speak unless it was something of importance, and was meaningful. That seemed to make him a great listener. He was also the hardest working man I have yet to know. He would rise early and go to bed early. His theory was that the early bird gets the worm. He worked hard from dusk until dawn and then would come home and spend time with my grandma. But he was stern, my mom has told me stories about when she was little and