Personal Essay: Why Are Veterans Important To Me?

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On November 11 of every year, we have a day to celebrate our veterans. For many people, it is a day to honor our veterans in addition to thank them for what they done for our country. For me, it feels much more than just honoring them. There are three reasons why Veterans Day means more to me; my Grandpa, family history, and my birthday.

My Grandpa inspired me to think more about veterans on Veterans Day because of what he has been through and what he did for the family. He was a South Vietnamese soldier during the Vietnam War and worked along with the American soldiers there. After the Vietnam war ended in 1975, things started becoming miserable for people like him in South Vietnam, so he escaped from Vietnam by boat and went to the United States. He left when my Dad, uncle, and aunt were babies. Fifteen years later, he sponsored my grandma, Dad, uncle, and aunt to come and live in the United States with him. When he saw them again at the airport, he did recognize them at first because it had been a while since he last saw them. Because of …show more content…

Every year on the same day, everyone has a way to spend time in addition to honoring their veterans. My family spends time together and honor our veteran. My parents would always buy me cake and invite my family members who live in Idaho. I would always have a great time with them as we eat cake and open presents. When I spend time with my family and having fun, I think of how lucky I am to have my Grandpa. The three reasons why veterans means more to me on Veterans Day are my Grandpa, family history, and birthday. My Grandpa because of all that he has been through. Family history because of how one war changed most of my family members’ lives. My birthday because it reminds me of how lucky I am to have my . All these reasons inspired me to think more about veterans on Veterans