Functional Analysis: Racial Identity

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The author’s major thesis is racial identity so why are someone people are colored blind. Tatum uses her personal experiences and her being a professor. As her children was growing up they had to go through it with her own kids herself having to talked to them about race and how people may not agree on racism and she also use different things to use when she taught as a professor. Having to explain to your kids about racism is very hard because they want to be friends with someone of the different race. From pass experience I have talked to my son about not being prejudice and treat everyone the same. She also explained that children go through puberty they start going through different things in their life and they start questioning who they …show more content…

The book talk about how racial identity can affect black people and how white people see things different. She goes on to talk about Alex Cross and how she identified different identity with his theory. Black have a more sense of beliefs in their life. The reason for all the black sitting together in the cafeteria is that some don’t know about the other, because all them are taught different things and who to like and who don’t. Or because some people believe in stereotypes and feel that the next is not as good as the other because the color of your skin. Being label because of the color of your skin is something that someone should be going through. I going to agree with Tatum on being called African American why can’t they just say black persons they have to use a slang word. I know some people would like to be called different names why we just can’t do …show more content…

I feel that she compared and contract the different in a person of color and someone that is not of color. I feel that if some no matter the color that some black people are treated the same was white kids. I think you can talk to your kids about racism, but I wouldn’t not dwell on the pass. I know someone people will have their opinion no matter what goes on. The part in the book that Tatum talks about is when she gave an example of how people would feel about the different views of all kind so people in a workplace. Just like in school you have a black student that works to get their academics good and they try to being president on a club it would be hard for them to get the position because majority of the time the one of the opposite color will get that position. This makes it to where that person feels worthless and will feel that they are not good enough. Everyone knows that they can’t change everyone and how they feel about things. She even stated about cross-racial conversations meaning to get to know someone of the opposite race and see what they can learn from someone else instead of always being against