This Town Racism

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As we look around, we can see different races interacting with each other. It builds an illusion in our heads that racism is non-existing. According to Coates, the author of the article “ This Town Needs A Better Class Of Racism” implied that “Elegant racism is invisible, supple, and enduring. It disguises itself in the national vocabulary, avoids epithets and didacticism.” Coates explains that racism is still alive today, but it’s just not as visible as it was before. The most significant obstacles preventing race relation is that the media takes possession of society’s beliefs causing people, not to recognize the value of any race. It 's important to conquer this so that we don 't label people according to their race. Media is very …show more content…

People may have their own opinions, but media can pressure you to act like everyone in your race, were supposed to look at one another in a particular way. According to media if you 're white you 're supposed to look down on black people if you 're black you 're supposed to look up to white people. After media spread the picture of Elizabeth attempting to go with the school with white people 's. The author of Elizabeth & Hazel David Margolick wrote, “The segregationist father of a Central student name Anne Childress expressed his outrage over it. ‘I don’t want those niggers going to school with my kids,: he declared, but those people didn 't treat that little girl right.’” (65) At the beginning of the quote, you can clearly see that the father had some type of hatred for the little black girl just because of her color but in the last few words he felt sympathy for her. The reason he acted with hatred is because that’s the way he 's supposed to act according to media. As well as it being ironic the way the father judged his own race for being disrespectful when he was acting the same way as them. This shows the way media can influence you to have the beliefs are everyone else in your race. Also, it shows’s that white people don’t recognize the value of …show more content…

Overall, racism still exists in some way. The problem why our society thinks that racism doesn 't exist anymore is because racism isn 't expressed in a direct way today. The reason we let racism go is because we don 't realize it in the first place. Our race is built by us and it can only be diminished by us. If we overcome media each race would be respected the same and inequality wouldn 't exist as much. Each race can have the same value, we can come together to form a better world. Who know’s if media stops changing society’s belief maybe, African Americans and Hispanics working in the health field. Young people won’t feel like they already failed before even starting. Hopefully, one day we can be the same skin