Thomas Edison Research Paper

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Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, and grew up in Port Huron, Michigan. He was the seventh child of Samuel Ogden Edison Jr. and Nancy Matthews Elliot. During his childhood, his family moved and settled in Southwest Ontario. Edison only attended school for a few months and was instead taught by his mother. Thomas Edison was married twice. The first marriage was to Mary Stilwell she had died at age 29 to a possibe morphine overdose or brain tumor. and the second marriage was to Mina Miller. He had 6 children, there names were Marion. Thomas, William, Madeleine, Charles, and Theodore. Edison had developed hearing problems at a young age. Edison’s family moved to Port Huron, Michigan where he sold candy and newspapers on trains. …show more content…

The little boys father was the station agent and was so grateful for Edison saving his sons life that he gave him the job. Thomas Edison began his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey with the automatic repeater and other telegraphic devices. The first invention that he gained a wider notice was the phonograph. He invented this in 1877. This invention was so unexpected they called him “The Wizard of Menlo Park.” The phonograph was recored on a tinfoil and on a round gooved cylinder. The recordings on this could only be played a few times. He went to Washington D.C. in 1878 and demonstrated the phonograph to the people in the white house. Due to all of the things he was able to do in creating the phonograph, he was called a …show more content…

He worked hard and used many different materials to get the light to work. Edison’s first successful test was on October 22, 1879, the test lasted 13.5 hours. After this, he then realized that if he would use carbonized bamboo that his tests could last over 1,200 hours. In 1878 he formed the Edison Electric Light Company in New York. After creating the light bulb, he created an electric utility that competed with the other gas utilities. Edison competed a lot with George Westinghouse with his company called Westinghouse Electric. Deaths went up and people realized the electic units were killing people, Edison created an Anti-AC program. The company was losing money and Edison was forced out of his own company in