Thomas Edison: The Wizard Of Menlo Park

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Thomas Alva Edison. Also known as “The Wizard of Menlo Park”. He was the inventor of the phonograph, kinetoscope, improver of the light bulb, and owner of over 997 other patents. Thomas Edison lived from 1847-1931. His mother homeschooled him, and allowed him to experiment in their basement. Edison moved several time throughout his life. He lived in Ohio until he was 7, when the family moved to Michigan. In his early twenties, Edison moved to New York City. In 1876, Edison moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he built his famous laboratory. When Edison was in his late 30s, he moved to West Orange, New Jersey, where he lived until he died at age 84 on October 18, 1931. Thomas Edison, starting in 1878 in Menlo Park, improved the electric …show more content…

The workday could be extended past sundown. With electric light, work and play did not have to stop at sundown, but could be extended beyond dark. Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb, but greatly improved it. A man by the name of Moses Farmer created two light bulbs with platinum for the filament. Platinum, being more expensive than gold, made the light bulbs unaffordable for most of America. 19 years later, Thomas Edison announced he could improve the light bulb in six weeks. His calculations were a little off this time. After a year of work, however, Thomas Edison found the solution to an inexpensive light bulb. A cotton thread, stiffened with carbon, burned for 45 hours before it burned out. Edison once again proved his genius. With Edison’s light, a room could be electrically lit for hours without it burning out. With lighting after the sun set, work could be extended beyond nightfall. Meetings could happen after dark. Even parties could be held longer and later. The first inexpensive light bulb paved the way for indoor lighting and night shifts at work. Electrical lighting also helped light streets at night, which reduced hiding places for