Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Essay

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If someone told you that god will send you to hell if you do not submit yourself to his rule, would you believe it? The existence of a god, an all powerful being of the universe, was unpersuasive to people who would doubt his power and continue to disobey authority. Not only of the governance of divine right, but also parliamentary and presidential systems where individuals are elected would people question why they should listen and obey their leaders. Thomas Hobbes suggested an argument that may persuade those who are skeptical of the ones in power. In 1651, Hobbes published the “Leviathan”, which argued that without a social contract between people, life would be filled with violence and everything would be in chaos. A social contract must …show more content…

In Chapter 13, Hobbes states that “[f]rom this equality of ability ariseth equality of hope in the attaining of our ends. And therefore if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies; and in the way to their end... endeavour to destroy or subdue one another... [O]thers may probably be expected to come prepared with forces united to dispossess and deprive him, not only of the fruit of his labour, but also of his life or liberty.” The perception in the state of nature, how the quality and belief of quality, is precisely what contributes to the reason why people fight amongst each other. If people are to view themselves as equals, then naturally they would believe they deserve others’ rewards and benefits as well. Especially more so if they view themselves as the deserving, perceiving other people as the diminished. People could potentially act out, and enter into a state of war, thus, causing constant fear and agitation. The state of nature is the reason why individuals are unable to accumulate the means of survival as it is self-destructive. Unless laws exist, people cannot be blamed until it is established, and none of these laws can be agreed on initially as everyone thinks they should establish the laws themselves, therefore no law can be made until they trust the person that shall make