Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Essay

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When you take away basic morals and government at the base core we humans are naturally violent. In Hobbes “Leviathan”, He describes how man is at his natural state without government, and when right and wrong no longer exist.

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Hobbes articulates that a world without government would make life “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” he says that in the state of nature everyone would be in constant war with each other. He believes that in order to achieve peace, everyone would have to give up their freedom to be part of a society in which they obey the ruler/king. The importance of the present day conflicts that are happening in Iraq/Syria demonstrates an understanding of the state of nature that Thomas Hobbes speaks about in “Leviathan”. …show more content…

The theory that Hobbes suggests that a dictator who governs their society with fear is ideal in achieving peace and that theory is well established in the conflicts that are happening in the Middle East. Iraq which was once a stable country governed by Saddam Hussein is now a free for all. Saddam Hussein imposed force, and intimidation in the masses that held down all the religious hatred that everyone had for one another. He kept everyone calm by using fear which proves Hobbes philosophy when he says that. Some have been calling Iraq and Syria “Hobbes jungle” because we have proof that once government have been removed life would be a constant war and with the death of Saddam Hussein, war is spewing from all corners of Iraq. All the religious hatred that was put aside within that country broke loose since the death of Saddam Hussein. People are killing one another in order to get what they want, governments being overrun by outside forces, present day civil war occurring in Syria. There is no doubt that all hell has broken loose in Iraq and Syria and the only solution that could put an end to this is saddam