Thomas More Utopian Society Essay

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Utopia is known as the perfect imaginary society. It is imaginary as ones Utopia is never the same as another’s no matter how similar they may be. Thomas More the head of the Church of England wrote the short story “Utopia”. His utopian society was a fairer society but by no means a perfect society. More’s utopia described, as somewhat equal among genders, clothing and the rich in this society do not have a significant status. However, in More’s Utopia slavery still exists. More being the head of the Church of England had a religious Utopian society where the main and the only religion is the Catholic/Christian belief in the Holy Bible. More’s Utopian society would not suit any who has a feminist view. The idea of a feminist view quoted by …show more content…

More being the head of a church had a religious society, but due to the time-period he lived in, his Utopian society did not have equality among the men and women. This is shown in the section of the short story called “The Household” when More writes “Each household, as I said, comes under the authority of the oldest male. Wives are subordinate to their husbands.” (More 658). Subordinates is a term referred to people who are under someone, such as a boss of a tribe who has subordinates which they lead. Viewing someone as a subordinate is a degrading phrase and shows inequality among men and women. Due to his time period, More died in 1535, he was probably raised and custom of the culture that men are superior and women have no rights. However, that belief may have been true to his culture, but should not have been true in the writing of Utopia, which described a perfect society for the citizens that lived there. The belief of women as subordinates is an unequal and degrading belief and puts women down as being behind their husbands instead of being on equal terms as husband and