Thomas Paine Fight For Independence

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“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it,” (Paine, Thomas). Thomas Paine led a very diverse and interesting life. When he was young, living in England, he could not hold a job. He lost every single one, and was feeling discouraged until he met Benjamin Franklin in 1774 who advised him to move to America. Soon after arriving in America, Thomas Paine published “Common Sense,” a pamphlet which kick started the revolution. As the fight for independence continued, so did Paine’s writings. George Washington used Thomas Paine’s articles, pamphlets, and books to encourage to the American army. He even continued to write when he was imprisoned in France from 1793-1794. It is clear that by inspiring the American Revolution, helping it succeed, and influencing many people throughout the ages Thomas Paine is an obvious choice for a candidate to be honored in the Revolutionary Hall of Fame. …show more content…

His arguments against Britain were extremely persuasive and influenced many Loyalists and fence sitters alike. Thomas Paine wrote that the colonies should aim for complete independence from Britain. Perhaps the most moving argument he used was stating that Britain governed the Americans for its own benefit, not the colonists’. This argument was the tipping point for many to become patriots. His words helped turn a local uprising of angry citizens into a revolution. Because of his actions, he garnered the name “Father of the American Revolution,” which is quite fitting for him bringing together and beginning the war