Thor Descriptive Writing

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Nervous, my legs trembled in an anticipating fear. A million thoughts scrambled inside my head; the one that echoed the loudest was ‘where is she?’. My blurry stare focused at the ceiling, I was using all of my willpower to not look into the Victoria’s Secret of which my parents were shopping in. I was worried that this concept of a date was simply too difficult. Concerned about the time I decided to check my phone; my phone read 5:09 PM. Upon seeing the time I saw a few unopened text messages such as: “You can do it!” or “don’t screw this up”. Between the words of despair and encouragement, I found a bizarre state of comfort. By 5:11 PM, the freshly calmed ocean inside my head had transformed back into a raging maelstrom of quaking anxiety. …show more content…

We quickly located two seats with our names all of them. We quickly sat down in one of the last pairs of open seats in the entire theater. Trailers for upcoming movies were featured before the movie began. Whitney’s eyes lit up like the Northern Lights when the trailer for the second Thor movie played. With excitement she spontaneously grabbed my hand. After Chris Hemsworth’s face had left the silver screen and the trailer had ended, she didn’t let go of my hand. Furthermore, without any knowledge of it happening, by the end of the movie holding her hand evolved into my arm wrapped around her, holding her close. Whitney and I walked out of the theater practically connected at the wrist. We soon had to depart for the night was coming to an end. After meeting up with her mom and my parents, she embraced me once more; holding me tighter and closer than before. “Good night, Chase.” She said with cheer in her voice, “I had a great time tonight.” Those words echoed in my head, with each rendition of that sweet repetition my grin grew wider and wider. At that moment I felt so much older than just fifteen years old, I felt like I could do almost anything. I felt on top of the