
Three Branches Of Government Essay

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The Three Branches of the US Government

Jadon K Marriott
Lone Star College
GOVT 2305
Robert J Connor

The American governance system, which started its experiment on democracy and liberty in the late 18th century, stands out as the most adaptable and resilient. Although widely known as a democracy, the US runs a federal system of governance divided into state and federal governments. The government relies on the Constitution, which serves as the supreme law of the land that offers guidance on the structure of the state and federal government and dictates the limits of their powers. Regardless of how the American governance system may look, a closer look at this government reveals a more complex system of interactions and influences. The present paper explores the American government's three arms: the Judiciary, Executive, and Legislature. In this descriptive essay, the roles and responsibilities of all three components of government will be explored and analyzed. Besides, the report will also explore how the three branches interact with each other to uphold the rule of law and uphold its citizens. The paper will enhance the overall understanding of …show more content…

Specifically, all these branches have powers and responsibilities well outlined in the US Constitution. Whereas Congress makes laws, regulates foreign and interstate comment, and declares war, the mandate of enforcing these laws lies on the executive. Differently, the judiciary helps interpret laws and apply these regulations to legal issues. Separating powers across the three arms of government helps promote government performance. Indeed, the power division in the US federal system of governance is significant as it helps protect the citizen's rights and provisions and prevent

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