Throughou Through The Study In Religious Education

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studied in. Therefore, I think a combination of focussing on exploring one religion but linking it to other curriculum areas would be the most effective technique as it minimises confusion but allows the learning to be engaging.

Classroom RE facilitates the development of many personal skills through enquiry into different religions. By exploring different religions children are investigating, analysing, interpreting and evaluating the beliefs within different faiths and sharing their findings through communicating with those around them (QCA, 2004). A classroom example may be that children spend half a lesson researching about a religion and the rest of their time analysing and interpreting their results to draw out how religion influences some people’s daily lives. …show more content…

Moral development can be promoted through studying ethical issues (QCA, 2004), getting the children to think about what they believe is ‘right’ and what different religions teach us to be the ‘right’ choice. Children may also explore morals and truth, justice and trust (QCA, 2004) within the classroom through studying parables from the Christian Bible. An example of this may be looking at the Parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-8), getting the children to think about what it tells them about justice and if they can think of any occasions where they may have felt justice prevailed. Spiritual and cultural awareness is built upon throughout religious education because, as mentioned before, it is one of the main aims of the subject and is developed through exploring the religions required for study in AT1. Social development can occur as a personal skill within religious education through the discussion of opinions or beliefs with peers. Children may also become socially aware of the beliefs different people around them and therefore respect how this affects their