
Titans And Wolfpack Case Study

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On February 25 the Titans and Wolfpack played a game of coed softball at the United High School baseball field. Both the Titans and Wolfpack ended the game with a tie going into three innings. Final score for both teams was 2-2.
The Titans started the game by batting first. Tamez was the first to bat for the Titans. Tamez made three strikes which led to the Titans first out. Next in line for the Titans was Herrera, she who made a home run and lead the Titans in the game with a score of 1-0.
In the bottom of the second the score was wa still 1-0, Wolfpack player Aleman attempted to steal bases but Aleman’s attempt was unsuccessful.
Titans and Wolfpack both plan on having a rematch soon due to the owners of Major League Baseball not allowing
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