Title Goes Here Centered: Subculture Of Sporting Fans

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Title Goes Here Centered Student Name Department of English, Community College of Aurora ENG 1022: Advanced Composition Prof. Beth Juhnke March 15, 2024 Abstract Throughout my research I found out many behaviors and norms of the Denver Broncos community. This subculture is keen on sharing their opinions, but typically not in a negative way. They are great at persevering and will definitely not be the first group to bring animosity to the table. I decided to research this subculture to get a better understanding of how these fans act and how it differs from other groups of sports fans. I wanted to find out what unwritten rules they had and if their values translate to their day to day lives by performing my own research and giving …show more content…

Literature Review (Keep this Subtitle) The group that is being researched are Denver Broncos fans. A widely used quote for Denver Broncos fans was one used initially by star quarterback Russel Wilson saying, “Broncos country, let's ride.” This quote can be found plastered on several fan sites and even the official Broncos website. This quote starts fairly simple, obviously it's Denver Colorado, so that's where the term broncos country stems from and lets ride is obviously referring to riding an actual bronco horse. Though, this phrase has begun to mean more to the fans of the Denver Broncos. And even Russel Wilson as a player has become an adored player among fans in his short stint with the Broncos. The website “Predominantly Orange” contains multiple articles that talk about wanting to keep him on the team, and even has an entire section of their website dedicated to him. Russ has had his ups and downs, especially with the Broncos, but there's a special admiration for the player. Russel Wilson is obviously very important to the fans and his quote, in spirit, means pushing forward. Riding forward to another win or coming back from a tough loss: A symbol of perseverance …show more content…

Being a citizen of Denver, it isn’t exactly trivial to find Denver Broncos fans. From my personal experience, I made sure to let it be known what my research was for and how I was going to be collecting/using information. In my opinion, it is important for all parties to be informed of what their opinions, thoughts, and interactions are being used for. Additionally, I also did online research and surveys. Now the people that I research online are more than likely not going to know that I am researching them. Though, I will make it clear in my survey that it will be going towards my research and I hope people will still provide honest responses. Any additional research that I conduct will only be from people who are informed of what I am doing. Whether that be interviews, or generally studying behavior methodology (Keep Subtitle) my methodology for this research is fairly simple. I interviewed passionate Broncos fans, sent out a survey to a considerable number of Broncos fans, and have spent time around them during this offseason. My intentions from this are to receive a complete understanding of this fan base, at least during the off season. From an outside perspective, the outlook on sports fans has