To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis Summary

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Summary and Analysis
The novel is divided into two parts where the first part has eleven chapters and the second half has 20 chapters.
Introduction to the Story
The story started with a childhood incident of Jem, the brother of Scout. The scout narrates that the elbow of the Jem badly got hurt when he was 13th and it was a frightening incident for him. He was used to playing football and this incident was enough to shake his self-confidence. He was really conscious about the injury in his arm because his left arm was shorter in length than the right arm. This was an introduction and the plot of the story further moved to the upbringing of Scout and Jem by their father Atticus who is a lawyer in the story.
The brilliance of the story lies in the …show more content…

In her home state Alabama, the civil rights movement was the main focus because the blacks and white were segregated. The African Americans were not allowed to drink water from the fountains of white Americans. They were not allowed to enter in the rooms and hotels of white people. The white Americans had rights to humiliate them because they were forced to leave seats for white people in public transportations. In 1955, Rosa Parks got a prominent place after refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus. Her decision was momentous and it led the passengers to boycott the buses. The Rosa Park gave a new life to the civil right movement.
To kill a mockingbird was published at the right time because the civil right issues were heating up across the state and this book was sold like hot cakes. It was the time when the racial relations were very tense and the black Africans, white Americans, and Caucasians were struggling for the same jobs. The white people were demanding jobs because they thought that the black people are stealing jobs from them. Racial relations and prejudice were making the situation worse for the