To Kill A Mockingbird Banned

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It’sa sin to kill a mockingbird in other words it'skilling an innocentperson who did notcommitted any fault in whatsoever.The mockingbirds don’t do any harm towards us the onlything that they do it’s imitate the song or what they hear. The children were not born racist or dohave to do crimes they imitate what they hear or visualize what others do they don’t cause anyharm.In 1954 in the article of The Courthouse Ring Big Jim wanted to make a change and wanted toequalize the salaries between the colored people.He wanted to make a change for the world oncein for all so Folsom gave a speech to havea point in this he wanted to extend the vote fordisentranced.The book is about liberalism and other cases that involves with being equality andthe liberty …show more content…

But they were wrong it didsell over 300 million copies and 40 translated languages. The whole idea of the book is that isdealing with rape and fighting for liberalism and also discrimination. Now the book is soldworldwide and is the most top selling book in the nation. The first incident that happened was inVirginia that a parent protested about the rape and immoral plot. There were several cases thatinvolved that and because that is a banned book they don’t have it in library’s anymore . Sotechnically, everything that contained racism or something like that happened an incident ithappened there it mentions in the novel and every school in Virginia had the book so, the parentswasagainst it and they all complained that it was an immoral plot and that’s why the book wasbanned. In the book some of the examples that show about liberalism and racism and courage tostand up.”I think there’s just onekind of folks .Folks.” It’s saying that we can de different typeof ethnicity and that only thing that changed us is that we are not going to stop being folks nomatter what happens.Scout’s dad is the most courage person ever even though he is violent and has loaded guns hestands upfor what he believes in and Scouts think for doing that he is the bravest man she evermet in her life. A quote that i found in the book