
To Kill A Mockingbird Book Vs Movie

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The film version of To Kill A Mockingbird directed by Robert Mulligan aired in 1962 starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch and Mary Baham as Scout. Mulligan's film is based off of the best-selling classic by Harper Lee. There are many similarities and differences between the two, but the film tends to accomplish things that the novel can not and the novel portrays imagery that the film can not. The novel does not have the limitations on it that the film does so the classic in my opinion is favored more. The film told in flashbacks by Mary Baham(Scout) is about Scout and Jem Finch, two siblings, that live in the dull town of Maycomb County, Alabama who spend much of their time with Dill ,played by John Megna, spying on their reclusive neighbor …show more content…

"The Colored balcony ran along three walls of the courtroom like a second-story veranda, and from it (a person) could see everything" (P.166) The film in no way lives up to the detailed best-selling novel Harper Lee wrote. In my opinion too many things were changed and taken out such as Miss Maudie's and Miss Rachel's characters being “combined” and Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Jack are completely removed from the film. In the book, Dill “wore blue linen shorts that buttoned to his shirt, his hair was snow white and stuck to his head like duckfluff.”(P. 9) Yet in the film, Dill has dark hair. In the book, the children are told that they do not need to be at the trial, but they sneak in and are caught doing so by Atticus and Calpurnia. Calpurnia takes them home for supper, but Atticus tells them that they are allowed to return. “Tell you what, you all can come back when you've eaten your supper, eat slowly, now, you won't miss anything important, and if the jury's still out, you can wait with us. But I expect it'll be over before you get back."(P. 277) In the film, none of this happens and the children go to the trial and walk home afterwards with Atticus. So many detailed parts that the novel portrayed are taken out of the movie and it was not a very good adaptation to me. It was dull and boring like the town of

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