
To Kill A Mockingbird Civil Rights Quotes

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To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help both demonstrate the hard times during the civil rights movement by showing the theme growing as a person, even though the novels have their differences throughout different perspectives. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is talking to Atticus about why Jem is acting differently than what he used to. In the novel, it states,” Jem was twelve. He was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody. His appetite was appalling, and he told me so many times to pestering him, I consulted Atticus: “Reckon he’s got a tapeworm?”” (Lee, 153) This quote expresses how as Jem is growing up and becoming more difficult according to Scout. Jem is becoming moody, inconsistent and, in Scout’s opinion, eating way too much. This demonstrates Lee’s perspective …show more content…

When Scout experiences growth, she see’s in her brother and does not quite understand what is going on, so she describes Jem as grouchy and annoying. Aibileen, on the other hand, is older and more experienced, so she has already grown into her own person. She understands what Miss Leefolt is going through and wants to help her, unlike Scout who judges her brother because she does not understand. Also in To Kill a Mockingbird, Dill and Scout are having a long conversation before going to bed about things that Scout does not fully understand. In the novel, Dill explains,””Maybe he doesn’t have anywhere to run off to…”” (Lee, 192) This quote expresses how Boo Radley does not have anywhere to go because he is always alone. Dill is putting himself in Boo’s shoes and is seeing life from perspective. At the beginning of the novel, Jem and Dill were obsessing over Boo, making fun of him or trying to find out who he is, what he looks. Now Dill is accepting who Boo is, or may be, and is seeing that his life is different and more difficult to live. This demonstrates Lee’s perspective of growth as an important

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