To Kill A Mockingbird Injustice Essay

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To Do: Justice When it comes to the subject of injustice, in the pages of history and in the present-day, most will agree that injustice does exist. However, three injustices that notably mark society are sex trafficking, discrimination, and anti-Semitism. The victims of these evils hear whispered lies daily that they will never be good enough; they will always be less than. Society must learn to see past its prejudices — that judge others for their past, skin color, and race — and see a person for who they truly are on the inside. A form of modern-day slavery, the injustice of sex trafficking holds millions in bondage who need to be freed. Sex trafficking turns women and children into objects to be bought, sold, used, and then …show more content…

Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, is appointed by the state to defend an African American falsely accused of rape. Because of the widespread disease of racism in Maycomb, Alabama, Atticus knows he has lost the trial before it has begun, yet he still believes, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win” (Lee 101). Atticus fights fiercely for justice and the acquittal of Tom Robinson, but Maycomb’s jury cannot see past their stuffy prejudice. The jury unanimously condemns Tom Robinson as guilty, ignoring the truth but not the color of his skin. According to Scout, “I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks” (304). Atticus seeks to teach his children not to judge others according to prejudice but according to their heart. He explains to Scout, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (39). Unfortunately, Maycomb County does not fully understand this and continues to hold on to the security found in white supremacy. The world should follow Atticus Finch’s example, seeing a person for who they are inside and defending the