
To Kill A Mockingbird Parenting Styles Analysis

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Atticus, Bob Ewell, and Walter Cunningham all have very different parenting styles. Although they have different parenting styles they help portray three main themes of the book, courage, justice, and prejudice. They raised their children differently but over all they turned out alright and happy. The way Atticus raised Scout is very different from Nathan Radley raised his child. Atticus always teaches and tries to do everything he can to make sure Scout has good morals. He uses Maycomb as an example to show racial discrimination and prejudice to help Scout absorb his moral teachings. This taught Scout that you never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view. I think this is a very important teaching and it …show more content…

He even wants them to call him by his first name so they can interact on terms as equal as possible. The Ewells are at the lowest of the low in Maycomb, they have no money, no education, and no breeding. Bob is not exactly the perfect dad and he is not the best role model for showing them how to act and treat people. He abuses and neglects his children and he could not be more different than how Atticus raises Scout. Atticus warns Scout not to be around Bob because he knows what he does and he tells her how it is against the law and terrible. Not only does he abuse them he takes his money and wastes it on alcohol so he comes home drunk and it is even worse for his kids. It is very sad because Mayella thinks it is normal how her father treats her, sexually abusing her and beating her. Although it is wrong what he is doing to her she still defends him because that is her father and she doesn’t know any better. All in all Bob is a very different father than Atticus is, Atticus is definitely the better father of the two. Mr. Cunningham, like Atticus, does not have much money but tries to do the best he can by his son. His son is well behaved but does not do well in school. At ten years old he is in

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