
To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes To Show Courage

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In the book to kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee confidence is a key aspect to the books variety. The book defends courage as “its when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyways, and you see it through no matter what” (pg. 149) this type of courage is shown in the book from a handful of people I picked the two I believe show courage the best. We should all learn from this quote and show courage just like these characters did. To start, Atticus was courageous in many way, he changes the book and his actions pave the road for Jem, Scout, and Dill. For example, Atticus defends Tom Robinson at the jail. By guarding Tom, he is risking his life for a man who is deemed lower than him, he proves to the kids that he is loyal to his word and represents that justice is more important than racisms. Atticus is a singe which is often taken for granted in people’s life’s he is courageous for taking on this task with no fear. Atticus is a true leader of his family but is courageous enough to …show more content…

Scout shows courage when she confronts Mrs. Caroline. Mrs. Caroline was harsh towards the kids, but scout explained to her the issues select individuals dealt with. Including herself, when Mrs. Caroline gets mad at her for reading when instead of arguing she humbles her self and stops reading. Once again, scout stands up to her elders to do what is right and saves Atticus at the jail. Scout represents her confidence when she stands up to Mr. Cunningham after refusing to go home. She stops Mr. Cunningham by telling him about her and his sons relationship saying, “a real nice boy, we brought him home for dinner one time” (pg. 205) by mentioning this he opens to his emotions and then calms down. To conclude, scout’s confidence is evident throughout the book, and her age nor gender has snot stopped her from using

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