
To Kill A Mockingbird Social Class

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Our Society has placed us based on our religion, race, and background. Social classes have been a major factor during the 1960s. During the year of 1960, many black and poor were not treated equally and categorized into groups due to their religion and skin color. In the novella To Kill a Mockingbird the author Harper Lee shows the theme that social classes are created through your race and your occupation through the Ewells and the Cunninghams. The Ewells are seen as the lowest among the whites in Maycomb, they have very little money and no education. The fact that makes them better than the blacks is because they are white. The Cunninghams are poor farmers that were impacted very badly during the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
The Cunningham is a family of poor farmers in the lower social class. Atticus explains to Scout that even though …show more content…

He makes it clear that “The Cunninghams never took anything they can’t pay back—no church baskets and no scrip stamps. They never took anything off of anybody, they get along with what they have. They don’t have much, but they get along on it.” (pg 26) This is showing how the Cunninghams are considered part of the lower social classes because they come from a generation of farmers. Also, even though they are poor they are still reasonable people who borrow money and pay it off a best as they can with the food they grow on their farms. They are higher than the Ewells because they aren’t dirt poor and willing to work hard for a change. Jem invite Walter Cunningham Jr.for lunch with the his family. Scout has a fit when

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